Coal Mining Reports

Coal Reports

We offer Residential and Commercial Coal Reports from Landmark Information Group and from The Coal Authority (TCA).  Since 2014 the core TCA datasets on which these reports are based has been open source so accessible to commercial organisations in addition to being utilised for TCA commercial use.

These reports fulfil the requirements of both the Law Society of Scotland and the Property Standardisation Group in enabling property lawyers to demonstrate effective due diligence in respect of land and property which may be within a recognised coal area.  All reports outputs carry comprehensive PI insurance.

All products have at their core TCA mining information database which sources information from over 360,000 original mine abandonment plans, dating as far back as the 1700s and include information from detailed records of over 173,500 mine entries recorded across Britain.  Landmark Coal Reports also include British Geological Survey licensed data © NERC (2016), and PinPoint Information’s digital collection of abandoned mine plans, maps, records and archives.

Product Details

Product Benefits

Coal Mining Reports FAQs

  1. Professional Indemnity (PI) Cover higher with Landmark
    £100k for Landmark Coal, £50k for TCA
  2. Report Costs lower with Landmark Coal
    Both Residential and Commercial Reports are both cheaper than the equivalent TCA reports providing better value for your clients

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